If you are struggling in your relationship, it can feel miserable at times, and very confusing to know what to do. I can help you find a way through. Sometimes your problems become too much - distrust has replaced intimacy and you don't know how to re-connect with your partner. As a relationship counsellor I want to understand what is troubling each of you, but I do not make judgements or take sides. Instead, I will guide both of you to explore difficult and painful feelings in a safe, kind and respectful setting. I will help you to develop awareness and skills so that you can resolve areas of conflict or disconnection and find greater love and trust between you.
My practice is located in Summertown, off the Banbury Road, in North Oxford, within easy reach of bus routes and car parks. There is also plenty of parking outside the house.
I am currently only working face to face (except if one of us has Covid symptoms, and then we can temporarily work on Zoom)